Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy (Remake)

I have followed the Amanda Knox trial closely over the years. Amanda is about a year younger than I am and she studied abroad just a few years later than I did. Her prosecution in Italy always left me feeling a complete sense of panic. When she wrote her own memoir, Waiting to Be Heard, I read it in the course of one night on my iPad. I side with Amanda Knox. I believe that the murderer, Rudy Guede, was already convicted. I feel that everything else that followed under the hands of the Italian judicial system was another tragedy and provided no justice for Meredith Kercher.

On January 30th of this year Italy's supreme court turned over the verdict of the appellate court which had acquitted Knox and her one week boyfriend from their 26 and 25 year sentences (after serving 4 years in prison.) Knox would now be charged with 28 1/2 years in prison. She is appealing this decision and is at home in Seattle. This could not happen in the United States, being tried for the same case again. But the appeals process seems so complicated in Italy.

The subject of this post is not referring to the remake of a Lifetime movie, but of another Amanda Knox film now in the works. I read the book years ago and I thought it portrayed her worse than the Hayden film.

Angel Face: Sex, Murder and the Inside Story of Amanda Knox is a book by journalist Barbie Latza Nadeau now opted into a screenplay and we have Face of an Angel

the trailer:

Hopefully, Amanda will have peace in her life sometime soon.